Nurturing the Self of Therapist -
A Self-Care Opportunity
As psychotherapists and healers, we’re trained to focus on the power and the pain of the mind. The problem is, when we try to think our way through everything, we can’t access the wisdom of the body. Without the body, we can’t experience the miracle that is being alive.
In this session you’ll have a chance to experience Qoya. We’ll also talk about the importance of integrating movement into the healing we do for people from all walks of life, body types, and all physical abilities. You will leave with playful and deeply healing tools to easily incorporate into your work with clients and in your own personal healing journey.
Qoya will be facilitated by Erin Nes, a DC area Licensed Clinical Marriage and Family Therapist and Qoya teacher. Erin offers a holistic, embodied and playful approach to psychotherapy that she has now expanded beyond the therapy room to the dance floor as a Qoya teacher.
This will be an intimate way to start our local community building, and we are so excited to be able to offer a special systems therapist only class. Take advantage of the discount (thank you, Erin!!), and register before the space fills up!
What you will need:
-comfortable clothes that are good for moving
and stretching
-a water bottle
-a yoga mat
-a notebook and pen
For more information and to learn more about Erin's Qoya offerings, visit Erin's website here.
See you there!
Silver Spring, MD 20910