Thank you so much to everyone who came to support the MFTs of Maryland in Annapolis on Advocacy Day! We had a great day of meetings with legislators and their staff where we had the opportunity to educate them on the practice and purpose of our profession. We advocated for the right of Maryland consumers of mental health to have access to qualified professionals who have been trained in relational therapy and discussed current issues that could effect our ability to serve that community.
We couldn't be more grateful for the time and energy you all brought that day. It is this kind of support we need going forward on a more regular basis at the Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists meetings that are held the third Friday of every month. Our most pressing need for MFT representation is at their next meeting, this Friday February 15th at 10:30AM, where they will be discussing the current composition of the board and whether or not MFTs should maintain their current representation of three board members or not. As many of you know, obtaining these three seats on the board was quite an accomplishment and required the hard work of many MFTs. We cannot stress the importance of showing the board our commitment to supporting our community and the benefits of maintaining equal representation on the Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists of Maryland.
If you can’t make this next meeting, please consider trying to attend when you can make it a part of your schedule or writing letters to the board sharing your experience when MFTs were unequally represented on the board or your fears if this were to happen again. If you have any questions about advocacy for Metro Marriage and Family Therapists please reach out to our Advocacy Officer, Taylor Baker, for more information on how you can get involved.